No.444 Bending stress analysis of angled plate being subjected to compression

計算は静的陰解法の直接法ソルバーを用いて行い SMP 1CPU を用いて3時間12分かかりました。

参考文献 : 益田 義治:入門 光弾性実験,日刊工業新聞社 昭和45年4月20日初版, p.99 図8.4(f)

Keywords: Static Implicit LS-DYNA, Hexa Element, MAT_024(mild steel), Total Number of Elements:532,284, Direct solver 5, cpu time: 3hours 12minutes

Tool: HyperMesh v.13, LS-PrePost ver.4.3, LS-DYNA SMP Double Precision Win64 Revision.104284



 Bending Stress Distribution
Fig.1 Effective Stress Distribution

 Bending Stress Distribution
Fig.2 Effective Stress Distribution

 Bending Stress Distribution
Fig.3 Effective Stress Distribution

 Bending Stress Distribution
Fig.4 Effective Stress Distribution

 Bending Stress Distribution
Fig.5 Effective Stress Distribution

 Bending Stress Distribution
Fig.6 Effective Stress Distribution

 Bending Stress Distribution
Fig.7 Effective Stress Distribution

 Bending Stress Distribution
Fig.8 Photoelasticity

例題443へ 例題445へ